Lisa Whitehouse

Swim Instructor

Why did I choose to become a “Les Bébés Amphibies” Instructor

I was introduced to swimming at a young age and continued my development until I was 13. I then obtained my 1 mile swimming badge and thought that was all to be achieved.

It’s only now I realise that didn’t have to be the end, there was so much more to accomplish.
I have been inspired for many years, watching swim instructors teach children and adults. I thought to myself how amazing it must be, teaching a life skill and teaching something you enjoy.
After having my little boy, I realised now is the time to train to be an instructor, I wanted to do something for myself and fulfill my dreams.
So I embarked on my STA level 2 Swimming Teacher Course, followed by a Safety Award for Teachers. I was delighted to then be given the opportunity to train with the talented team at Les Bebes Amphibies.
My aim and goal is to teach your children to love the water, to stay safe, following our taught skills of aquatic safety, and for them to embrace each skill they learn and become the very best swimmer they can be.